Based on the latest developments, is there anything the city can do to protect the safety of its citizens from the proposed Permian Highway Pipeline?
When it comes to the HPH, unfortunately, Kinder Morgan was able to bulldoze through the city. Our citizens that live near the pipeline will need to be diligent about hearing any disruptions in the pipeline and to ensure they have an evacuation protocol. We as a city will have training to provide emergency services, but these will be reactive to an event. It is Kinder Morgan's responsibility to maintain the pipeline.
What can be done to ensure builders are paying their fair share so the infrastructure is done right when they build in Kyle?
In our ordinances, we have several developer impact fees that the developer will have to either pay or have to construct or improve the current infrastructure to ensure it can provide for the current residents and future residents.
What are your thoughts about Kyle's affordable housing situation? If more is needed, how would you provide for it?
We have several affordable housing developments in the city with another coming. To determine if this meets all of our needs will have to be determined after the latest is developed.
What do you think about the current bond proposition to build a $37 million public safety center for the Kyle Police Department?
Proposition A is for a 64,000 square foot Public safety building that will house the current police department and will allow them the space they need currently and future growth of the department. It will provide space to expand services for the department and the community. As a current council member that is all I can legally say. I can not advocate for or against.
Law enforcement is one of the largest expenses in the city’s budget. What are your thoughts about the size of Kyle's police force and if they are being deployed adequately and appropriately?
As the city grows, the Kyle Police department will need to grow to provide adequate services and public safety including more police officers on the street.
The Kyle police department rarely uses cite and release for non-violent, low-level offenses. Do you support expanding cite and release by broadening the definition of residency to include "working, living or going to school in Hays County"?
I do not have an opinion on this issue either way. I feel this is a police issue and if the police department can justify it I would be in support of cite and release.
Should Kyle give economic incentives to attract businesses, or is the city’s location on the I-35 corridor and its position as one of the fastest-growing cities incentive enough? Explain.
We currently do not offer businesses incentives. We have provided developers of spec space for performance meaning they get a sliding scale which decreases year over year if they have not leased the space that lasts 5 years. Once they have leased their full space the incentive goes away even if that happens within year 1. This gives the developer a chance to lease their space and gives us space to bring in companies who want cement on the ground space.
What should the city council do to support local businesses that have experienced losses related to the COVID-19 pandemic?
We currently offer first year on us to help promote small businesses as well as contributing $100,00 to the county's Extra Cash Awards Program(ECAP) to which I am a sitting member of the committee.
How well is Kyle planning for the future? What improvements would you suggest?
Overall the city has the plans for our growth, we have actually been a bit more finicky as to the type of development that comes in, for example a dense housing development on a road that cannot sustain the number of travelers or even lower tier businesses that do not fit our comprehensive plan.
What are you willing to do to maintain an open dialog with your constituents?
I am always available via email, facebook and phone. I am at most city events and functions that are open to the public and can be approached at any time.
If elected, how will you work to ensure city council operates in a transparent manner?
We as a city council are an open book, however with that said we are bound by State of Texas laws to keep some things confidential or even have to sign non-disclosures with businesses seeking to move to the Kyle area. The council can be asked anything and if we can legally we will answer.

Teresa "Tracy" M Scheel
How can voters contact you?
Describe your educational background
Texas A&M at Galveston, but did not graduate
Describe your relevant employment background
I have been an employee in the Healthcare Sleep field for 30 years starting as a scheduler and progressing to a registered sleep technologist and then to the clinical director.
Describe your leadership experience background
- I have been a manager/director for over 23 years, which includes employee management as well as business and financial management.
- I have been on the Waterleaf Falls HOA Board for the past 10 years.
Describe your community involvement in Kyle
- I was on the City of Kyle Parks Board for 2.5 years
- Currently am the District 2 Council Member
Scheel is the incumbent in the District 2 seat on the council. This is a single-member council seat, meaning that only voters who live in this district can vote for candidates in this race. District 2, which is largely east of Interstate 35.
The Kyle City Council is composed of a Mayor elected at-large by the people for a three-year term and six Council Members, three elected at-large and one from each of the three districts, for staggered three-year terms.
Click on the image below to see an interactive map of the Early Voting locations in Hays County. Registered voters can vote at any location.
Click on the image below to see an interactive map of the Election Day voting locations in Hays County. This is the first year that Hays County registered voters can vote at any vote location on Election Day.