What motivated you to run for a seat on the school board this year?
I am a lifelong educator who worked as a classroom Science and Math teacher for over 36 years in various districts in Central Texas including Travis, Caldwell, Bastrop and Hays Counties. I was a tireless advocate for teachers including serving as various Officers In the local TSTA chapters in the districts in which I worked. When I was a Union Leader I became involved in the most important actions of the board of Trustees, the budget process and on committees for hiring administrators and superintendents. My passion for Education and the growth and development of students, combined with my commitment for Educators makes me uniquely qualified or serve as a Trustee for Hays CISD.
What particular skills or experience qualify you to serve as a school board member?
From my 36 years of teaching, being a scout leader, a union organizer, founding father of the City of Niederwald and many other organizations I have been involved in, I am a true consensus builder. I have built various coalitions of people from drastically different backgrounds and beliefs. As a teacher I have learned to listen to and empathize with people from various backgrounds. My knowledge of School Districts, Boards of Trustees, and many educational programs, makes me uniquely qualified to serve. My leaning curve for an elected official into a new position will be shorter than for others who are not intimately involved in education. A life long educator is a great fit for a school trustee
What are the greatest challenges for Hays CISD?
Managing exponential growth while at the same time ensuring equity for ALL schools within the districts is Hays CISD’s greatest challenge. Hays is growing by approximately 1,000 students every year. Many new schools will need to be built throughout the district.
What are your ideas to improve the future of Hays CISD? How would they help our students?
Technology, state-of-the-art facilities, and quality programs are import for student success. HOWEVER, the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of student success is to have a well-qualified, highly trained, happy, healthy and well-compensated TEACHER. Teachers make the biggest difference in students success.. When a district invests in the best teachers and frees them to use their skills, student success skyrockets.
If elected, how will you work to address disparities in our communities and areas that the district serves?
Hays has a great disparity of wealth amongst the various communities within its boundaries. Much of the Title I money goes to Elementary schools. Schools with historical low test scores need the best teachers. Many solutions can be enacted including extra pay or stipends for teachers in struggling schools as well as lower classroom size for those struggling schools.
What will be your budgetary priorities as a school board member?
Since approximately 75% of the budget is earmarked for employee pay, it is difficult for budgets to allocate much more money for services needed. Investing in quality teachers is paramount to ensure success. Making sure all students have access to high-speed broadband is also crucial.
COVID-19 vaccines for children under 12 years old may not be available until 2022. In light of that, do you support required mask usage by students and staff during the next school year for grade levels in which students are not able to be vaccinated?
Let us first follow CDC guidelines for mask wearing. ALSO, the district should be leading the way for ALL students to receive a vaccination. I would not be opposed to mask wearing until vaccinations are available to students.
Any other comments:
Public education is the GREAT EQUALIZER ! Good public schools take students from wealthier and more economically struggling communities and gives ALL of those students a level laying field.
Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy. Although a trustee election is non-partisan, the views and beliefs of those trustees are important. When school districts in general have more educators serving on the board, they perform better. Business sense and financial responsibility are important. but when professional educators are in these elected positions their division-making will reflect the need of the students more effectively.
May 2021 Bond Election Information
The voter information brochure details the propositions (and projects included in them) that will be on the May ballot. The brochure includes links to learn about specific projects found in each proposition.
Read the brochure: [In English] [En Español]
For more information, visit the district's bond election webpage.

Richard Cronshey
How can voters contact you?
Educational background
I received a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Texas, Austin, Texas. I continued my studies with my graduate Education from Texas State University in San Marcos.
What is your experience participating with the Hays school district or at a particular campus?
I had four sons who graduated from Hays High School, and I was involved in their various PTAs and booster organizations throughout their years in school starting in 1985. My youngest son graduated in 2007, and I soon became involved in my grandchildren’s education in their schools. I served on various committees at Hays CISD’s including 2021 Bond committee, High School boundaries, and GPA and class rank committees. I also helped Hays CISD implement science fairs.
The election will take place in Hays CISD. Specific polling locations and times depend on the county in which the voter resides. These dates and times are listed in the election order and notice (below), and linked from this webpage and the Hays CISD interactive election map.
Hays County Early Voting & Election Day Locations
Caldwell County Early Voting & Election Day Locations
Travis County Early Voting Locations
Travis County Election Day Locations
Hays and Travis Counties use vote centers, meaning Hays and Travis County voters may cast ballots for any election in which they are eligible at any vote center in the respective counties during the times the vote centers are operating. Caldwell County will have a specific polling location for early and election day voting.
Hays County Voting Dates and Times
These are Hays County's May 2021 Election Day Voting locations. Registered Hays County voters can vote at any of these locations.
Early Voting: April 19 — April 27, 2021
- Monday, April 19 — 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- Tuesday, April 20 — Friday, April 23 — 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Saturday, April 24 — 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Monday, April 26 — 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- Tuesday, April 27 — 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Election Day: Tuesday, May 1 — 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Click on the image below to see an interactive map of the Early Voting locations in Hays County. Registered voters can vote at any location.
Click on the image below to see an interactive map of the Election Day voting locations in Hays County. This is the first year that Hays County registered voters can vote at any vote location on Election Day.