
The Kyle/Buda-Area Democrats officially formed in December 2017 to support the long-term efforts to elect responsive Democratic candidates to local, state and national offices.

To do so, area Democrats identified some key areas of work that need to be done annually  — not just during election years. These projects included:

  • Voter Education
  • Community Outreach
  • Candidate Recruitment and Support
  • Increasing Voter Participation

We recognize that all of these projects require financial support. Our regular and sustaining members make annual dues payments to help cover KBAD's basic operating necessities to do this work.

KBAD is a grassroots organization funded by YOU — its individual members — to accomplish these goals.

Beyond paying your membership dues, consider making a donation that will help us pay for things such as candidate forums, registration drives and printing costs for educational materials.

We still have a long way to go to ensure that we can elect strong progressive leaders for years into the future. It's concerned citizens like you that are essential to ensuring the health of our democracy by supporting clubs like KBAD.

Donate To KBAD Today

Your donation will help us host events, educate potential voters, and support Democratic candidates.

Together we can turn Texas Blue!

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