Beth’s Why

Beth’s Why
Beth Cox
I became a KBAD member because I am a life-long Democrat, raised in a Democratic family. My parents always worked the polls, and I still remember the excitement in our home the night Kennedy was elected. My parents taught me the value of one vote and giving time and energy to the Party.
I have been an advocate/activist for Reproductive Rights since my early 30s, although I care deeply for all of the causes represented in the Democratic Platform. Lately, LBGTQ rights have become very important to me as I have gay family members and a trans grandson.
I started my activist life with NARAL Pro-Choice Texas when it was TARAL in 1980. I was an office volunteer, Board member, and staff member. I was fortunate to be able to attend several national activist trainings sponsored by NARAL.
I spent the last eight years of my professional life working for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas before retiring due to health reasons in 2014.
I will continue to fight for the Democratic values and causes we all hold so dear until my last breath.
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