
BYLAWS – AMENDED September 29, 2024


Article I. Name and Affiliation

The name of this club shall be Kyle/Buda-Area Democrats; hereinafter known as KBAD.

KBAD is a recognized club of the Hays County Democratic Party (HCDP), which is a county affiliate of the Texas Democratic Party.


Article II. Purpose

KBAD shall be dedicated to promoting the ideals and tenets of the Democratic Party. We shall promote Democratic Party candidates and KBAD-endorsed candidates and assist in their campaigns. KBAD shall promote strong voter registration and encourage improved voter turnout in all elections. KBAD shall strive to build a thriving Democratic community in the Kyle/Buda area and Hays County at large


Article III. Organizational Structure

As a recognized club of the HCDP (Article I, b.), KBAD shall also organize itself as a General Purpose Political Action Committee (a “PAC”) as defined by the Texas Ethics Commission, and shall adhere to the regulations set out in Title 15 of the Texas Election Code (Chapters 251-258) and in the rules adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission applicable to PACs.


Article IV. Membership

Membership is open to all Democrats who support the purpose of the organization. Members shall pay dues annually in an amount as proposed by the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote of members in good standing who are present and voting. A “member in good standing” is one who meets the qualifications of membership and has paid their annual dues. 


Article V. Meetings

Membership meetings shall be called on at least a quarterly basis. The Executive Board shall set all meetings and give written notice at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting to the membership.


Article VI. Executive Board Members and Duties

Eligibility to Serve on the Executive Board

To be eligible to serve on the Executive Board of KBAD, a person must:

  • Be an adult 18 years of age or older,
  • Live in Hays County, Texas, and 
  • Be a member in good standing.

A person is not eligible to serve on the Executive Board if the person, during or within six months of their proposed, desired, or actual service on the Executive Board:

  • Holds public office;
  • Is a candidate for public office; or
  • Is a paid staff member in a leadership position of a candidate’s campaign for public office within Hays County, excepting statewide or federal campaigns. Such campaigns include, but are not limited to: municipal campaigns within Hays County, campaigns for Board of Trustees for a school district within Hays County, and campaigns for county-level positions within Hays County.

For purposes of this section:

“Public Office” does not include offices solely within the Hays County Democratic Party, such as a Precinct Chair.

 “Paid staff member” does not include a person whose responsibilities only involve canvassing or related activities such as making phone calls, making contact at a person’s home, or text messaging. 

Nothing in this section is intended to limit a member of the Executive Board’s ability to publicly express support for a candidate or campaign. 

Term Length and Eligibility for Re-Election

Terms shall be for approximately one (1) year, beginning on the date of election and continuing until election of the following calendar year. Providing that the officer continues to meet eligibility criteria, each officer can stand for re-election and may serve multiple terms without limit. 

Executive Board Member Selection

The election of Officers shall be held at a regular meeting in January, by simple majority vote of the members in good standing present and voting.

The Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members in good standing who are not on the Executive Board. This committee is responsible for preparing a slate of Officer candidates for consideration by the membership.

At the regular meeting in January of each year, the Nominating Committee shall present its slate of proposed officers for consideration by the membership. Nominations for officers may also be taken during this meeting from the general membership or the Executive Board. The membership may, by majority vote of members in good standing present, approve the slate as a whole. If the slate is not approved as a whole by the membership, the membership shall hold separate elections for each individual office. 

Activities of the Board as a Whole

Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held as needed and called by the Chair.

The Executive Board may appoint an audit committee to review all club financial transactions.

The Executive Board may take actions that are not enumerated by these bylaws upon a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Board Makeup and Office Descriptions

The Executive Board shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Directors elected at-Large.

The Chair shall call Executive Board or special meetings of the membership in accordance with need. The Chair shall preside at all meetings. The Chair may also appoint committees, sub- committees or task forces as needed. For each committee the Chair appoints, the Chair shall appoint a committee chair. The Chair is an authorized signatory to KBAD’s bank account.

The Vice Chair shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair, perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair, will perform other duties as assigned by the Chair, and shall succeed to the office of the Chair at any time the office becomes vacant during an unexpired term. The Vice Chair is a signatory to KBAD’s bank account.

The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of all meetings. The Secretary shall send all meeting notices as necessary and shall work with an appointed Webmaster as directed by the Chair; all work assigned to and performed by the Webmaster shall be the property of KBAD. The minutes of the meetings shall be submitted in writing to the Chair within thirty (30) days of the meeting.

The Treasurer shall collect all dues and/ or PAC contributions, disburse the organization’s funds, keep updated records of all monies received and spent, and act as the agent and record keeper for fundraising activities. The Treasurer is an authorized signatory to KBAD’s bank account. The Treasurer shall present a written report on the finances at all meetings or when requested by the Chair. The Treasurer shall timely file all financial reports required by the Texas Ethics Commission and any other entity requiring reporting, and shall ensure that KBAD is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

The three (3) Directors at-Large shall attend meetings of the Executive Board, vote on proposals during meetings of the Executive Board, and perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.


Article VII. Vacancies on the Executive Board

An Executive Board position may be considered abandoned and vacant if the elected officer misses three consecutive Executive Board meetings.

Upon recommendation of a majority of the Executive Board, an Executive Board Member may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members in good standing present and voting at a general meeting or specially called meeting.   

A vacancy on the Executive Board, other than the Chair or Vice Chair, caused by death, resignation, failure to fill a vacancy at a regular election, removal, abandonment or otherwise, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Chair or their designee. If there is no existing Chair, the vacancy shall be filled by the remaining elected board members by a majority vote.

A vacancy in the Chair and/or Vice Chair on the Executive Board shall be filled by the elected Executive Board members at a meeting held within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs unless the annual election falls within the period of thirty (30) days. The Vice Chair, their designee, or a remaining elected Executive Board member shall serve as Chair in the intervening period.


Article VIII. Expenditures

The Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer have the authority to independently approve expenditures less than $200. An email/electronic message shall provide acceptable written approval. These expenditures shall be reported to the Treasurer within 30 days.

Any expenditure greater than $200 shall require the approval of the majority of the Executive Board. An email/electronic message shall provide acceptable written approval.

All reported expenditures will be included in the Treasurer’s regular financial reports to the membership at the next duly called meeting of the membership after the expenditure was reported to the Treasurer.

There shall be one (1) signature from an authorized signatory on any checks issued from an account owned or controlled by KBAD. 


Article IX. Amendments

Any member of KBAD may propose amendments to these bylaws. All proposed bylaw amendments, along with a plain-language summary of the proposed changes, must be submitted to the Chair in writing. Proposed amendments, accompanied by the plain language summary, must be published by a member of the Executive Board on the KBAD website or to the membership via email at least seven (7) days prior to their presentment for discussion at a regular meeting, and may be voted on following their presentment. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the members in good standing who are present and voting. Changes to the proposed amendments may be offered from the floor at the voting meeting and may be adopted without prior publication. Any amendments to the proposed amendment must be cogent to the originally presented amendment.


Article X. Robert’s Rules of Orde

KBAD shall conduct all meetings pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order and shall adhere to strict time limitations as determined by the Chair.


Article XI. Committees

The Chair may form and appoint committees as the Chair deems necessary to execute specific tasks or provide advice on a specific topic. The Chair may give the committee decision-making authority or require Executive Board approval before any action is taken. 

All chairs of a committee formed under this Article must be members in good standing. 

All activity taken by the committee must be within the scope of the Chair’s direction.

Each committee shall have a chair who is appointed by the Chair and their term shall last until the next Executive Board election. Committee Chairs may serve multiple terms. Committee chairs serve at the pleasure of the Chair and may be replaced by the Chair at any time. 

Committee meetings shall be held as needed and called by the Committee Chair.

The committee may be disbanded by the Chair or the committee chair at any time.

Join KBAD Today

From block walking and phone banking to donating and utilizing your unique skill set, KBAD has many ways for you to get involved.

Together we can turn Texas blue!







